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November 12-16


cordially invited to participate

Dear colleagues: On behalf of the Chilean Geotechnical Society (SOCHIGE), you are cordially invited to participate in the 17th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVII PCSMGE) and 2nd Latin-American Regional Conference of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) to be held in La Serena, Chile in November 2024. We are delighted to organize this event, for the second time, after hosting it back in 1991.

With an average width of 180 kilometers and a length of about 5000 kilometers, Chile is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the majestic Andes Mountains to the east. These characteristics result in a country with a wide variety of climates and vegetation, as well as both soil and rock conditions along its territory. As part of the Circum-Pacific Belt, Chile is one of the great seismically active regions in the world, which is of particular interest to geoscientists and geotechnical engineers worldwide.

The Panamerican congress will serve as a unique platform for dissemination of knowledge and fruitful interactions among researchers and practitioners from different generations and nationalities. We are excited to keep growing as a community and your attendance is essential to the success of this conference. We look forward to receiving you in our country!

organized by


Download your attendance, speaker or moderator certificate here.

Precongress courses certificates and Paper’s autors Certificates soon available

Congress photo gallery

consent document

Find out about the general rules of PANAMGEO CHILE 2024

Key dates

Conference - November 2024

• Thursday 7th: Last day for online registration

• Tuesday 12th: Start of registration at headquarters / Workshops / Short courses / Registration / Opening

• Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th: Conference

• Saturday 16th: Technical visits / Side Activities


• Deadline for abstract submission: 31st August 2023

• Notification of abstract acceptance: October 30th, 2023

• Paper submission deadline: April 30th, 2024

• Notification of paper acceptance: up to July 31st, 2024

• Final paper due: July 31st, 2024


Conference Themes


Edgar Bard (Chile)

Carlos Ovalle (Chile/Canada)

Alexandra Ossa (Mexico)

Heraldo Giacheti (Brazil)

  • Lab and in situ testing

  • Physical and constitutive soil modeling

  • Unsaturated soils

  • Soft soils

  • Residual and saprolitic soils

  • Rockfill

  • Soil geochemistry


José Campaña (Chile)

Eloy Santos (Chile)

Juan Manuel Pestana (Venezuela/USA)

Miguel Manica (Mexico)

Werner Bilfinger (Brazil)

  • Numerical modeling

  • Seismic analysis of natural soil deposits and geotechnical structures

  • Mining structures

  • Talings dams

  • Infrastructure and transport works

  • Foundation of buildings and large works

  • Transportation geotechnics

  • Monitoring and observational method


Juan Manuel Fernandez (Chile)

Mario Terceros (Bolivia)

Walter Paniagua (Mexico)

Mauricio Sales (Brazil)

  • Soil improvement

  • Use of geosynthetics

  • Special foundations

  • Rehabilitation of geotechnical structures

  • Advances in instrumentation and sensing systems

  • New image-based technologies in geotechnics


Sergio Sepúlveda (Chile – Canada)

Stella Moreiras (Argentina)

Victor Hernández-Madrigal (Mexico)

  • Engineering Geology

  • Environmental Geology and Geotechnics

  • Applied Hydrogeology and Water Resources

  • Rock Mechanics and applications

  • Geohazards remote sensing and monitoring

  • Geologic hazard and risk assessment, and territorial planning


Cesar Pasten (Chile)

Douglas Cortés (USA)

Marta Miletic (USA)

Joan Larrahondo (Colombia)

Yolanda Alberto (Chile – Mexico – Canada)

Renato Pinto da Cunha (Brazil)

  • Energy geotechnics

  • Geotechnical uncertainty

  • Biogeotechnics 

  • Machine learning and big data in geotechnics

  • Sustainability and climate change


Matías Silva (Chile)

Pooneh Maghoul (Canada)

Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha (Brazil)

Carol Murillo (Colombia)

  • Geotechnical Engineering and sustainable development

  • Education of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering

  • Academia and practice in Geotechnical Engineering. How to diminish the gap

  • Geotechnical works and their impact on communities

Welcome ceremony

"International Perspectives on the Crucial Role of Geoengineers in Socionatural Disaster Response"

We will kick off the congress on Tuesday 12th, at 18:00 at the Hotel Enjoy La Serena with the Welcome Ceremony, which will feature the special participation of Marc Ballouz, President of the ISSMGE, and Vasilis Marinos, President of the IAEG, along with a panel of distinguished experts. The evening will conclude with a welcome cocktail reception. We look forward to seeing you there!

Dimitrios Zekkos, PhD, PE,


Professor, University of California at Berkeley - Founder & Partner, ARGO-E GROUP

Ellen Rathje

Prof. Ellen Rathje, PhD, PE, F. ASCE


Janet S. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering - Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering - University of Texas


Prof. Fernando Marinho, PhD


Associate Professor in Universidade de São Paulo

WEB_Natalia Garrido

Natalia Garrido Urzua


Geóloga Sernageomin - Past-President ACHIGEO

Invited Lectures

Below is a list of some of the invited lectures that will be featured at the congress.

santamarina, panamgeo

Prof. Carlos Santamarina, G. Wayne Clough Chair and Professor at Georgia Tech

Soil properties: Casagrande's prologue to the future​

alessandro, mandolina, panmageo

Alessandro Mandolini, Professor of “Foundation Engineering” at Department of Engineering – Università degli Studi della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”

TC212 1st ISSMGE Harry Poulos Honour Lecture: “Rethinking piles in light of current knowledge

fernando, marinho, panamgeo

Prof. Fernando A. M. Marinho, PhD, Associate Professor in Universidade de São Paulo

TC106: 2nd Pan-American Distinguished Lecture on Unsaturated Soils Exploring the Interplay Between Water, Grains, Suction and Infrastructure

Stead, panamgeo, canada, la serena

Prof. Doug Stead, Emeritus Professor Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Progress toward understanding complex rock slope failure mechanism​

Prof. Katerina Ziotopoulou, Associate Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering. University of California, Davis.

Assessment of liquefaction effects on infrastructure​

andy small, panamgeo, conferencia, la serena

Andy Small, PEng. Geotechnical Engineer specialized in dam safety and dam design. ICOLD and CDA leading member. Senior geotechnical consultant at Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB).

What could Tailings Facility Engineering look like in 2030?

ramon, verdugo, panamgeo, lecture

Ramón Verdugo, Ph.D. CMGI Ltda.

Geotechnical lessons left by XXI century (2000-2004) large earthquakes​

Marcio Almeida, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, panamgeo

Prof. Marcio Almeida, Full Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro COPPE-UFRJ

Offshore Geotechnical Solutions: from advanced physical modelling to applications

Prof. David Williams Professor and Director of Geotechnical Engineering Centre at The University of Queensland Manager Large Open Pit Project

Geotechnical, Geochemical and Erosional Stability of Waste Rock Dumps

TC221, panamgeo, dams

TC221: Special Session on Tailings Dams

Christina Winckler (MSc) - Fernando Schnaid (PhD) - Edgar Quiroz (MSc) - Arcesio Lizcano (PhD) Osvaldo Flores (PhD) - Davis Solans (PhD) - José Campaña (MSc) - Ramón Verdugo (PhD) Moderator: Luis Valenzuela (MSc)

Bright Spark Lecture

The Young Member Presidential Group (YMPG), the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), and the organizing committee of the XVII Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (PANAMGEO 2024) are delighted to announce the winners of the Bright Spark Award. These exceptional individuals will have the opportunity to present their insightful work at the conference.

kshama, roy, bright spark, panamgeo

Ph.D Kshama Roy

Principal Specialist, Energy Systems, DNV Canada Limited & Adjunct Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland

“A Simplified Soil Constitutive Model for Sand: Advancing Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis for Sustainable and Resilient Buried Infrastructures”

emilia, castillo, panamgeo bright spark

MSc Emilia Castillo Fuentes

PhD Student Imperial College London.

“Foundation systems for floating wind turbines”

Mauro, sottile, bright spark, panamgeo

MSc. Mauro Sottile

SRK, Principal Consultant, Geotechnics

“A comparison of advanced constitutive models to evaluate flow liquefaction of upstream raised tailings dams”

1st Latam/Panam Geotechnical Engineering Professors' Meeting

We inform all the participants of this activity, carried out within the context of the Congress,
that they can now download their certificate of attendance by clicking on the button below.

Pehovaz, Panamgeo,

PhD. Humberto Ivan Pehovaz

Aplicaciones de la Inteligencia Artificial en la docencia

Gabriel, auvinet, panamgeo, reunión, profesores

Ph.D Gabriel Auvinet

Caracterización geotécnica de regiones de América

Diego, manzanal, reunión profesores, panamgeo

Ph.D Diego Manzanal

Laboratorio de suelos: Trayectoria de esfuerzos y teoría del estado crítico

Raúl, aguilar, panamgeo

Ph.D Raúl Aguilar

Dinámica de suelos: Influencia del tiempo en propiedades físicas del terreno

felipe ochoa, panamgeo, bright spark, lecture, reunion, lamta, profesores

Ph. D Felipe Ochoa

Diseño sísmico de represas y tranques

HTC ISSMGE: Academia and industry collaboration to face the challenges of the next 100 years

The following is a list of the speakers who will present this activity

Lucky Nagarajan

Lucky Nagarajan

Geocomp, Inc. Chair of WiDF, DFI Trustee, ASCE Met Section Board of Director, Women’s Network-Advisory Board Member.

Monica Beyoda

Mónica Fernanda Bedoya Martínez

WSP Colombia and President of the Colombian Geotechnical Society.

Nilo Consoli

Prof. Nilo Consoli

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Prof. Tim Newson

Western University, Canada. Immediate Past VP North America for ISSMGE.

Hugo Acosta Martinez

Hugo Acosta

BG&E Resources Technical Director – Geotechnical, Ph.D Offshore Geomechanics.

Matias Silva

Matías Silva

GHD Technical Director Tailings.

Geotalks: Professors and Young Minds Connecting

Register for the Youth and Teachers Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, from 18:30 to 20:00 hrs.
Free activity.

*Important: Remember that you must be previously registered for the Panamgeo 2024 Congress to participate in this activity.

This meeting aims to bring together professors and young professionals in the areas of geotechnical and engineering geology for a dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences. The day will begin with a series of presentations on current lines of research and innovative projects in the field, providing a space to share knowledge and strengthen academic and professional ties in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in which open conversation will be the protagonist. This space seeks to promote dialogue between generations, promoting new collaborations and connections within the geotechnical community.


We invite you to this PANAMGEO Congress conference on Thursday, November 14th from 16:00 to 17:30 hrs. Join this talk with the professionals invited, we are waiting for you!

The following is a list of the speakers who will present this activity

Vassilis Marinos

Ph.D Vassilis Marinos


IAEG President. Assistant Professor of Engineering Geology at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering.

Katherine Toro

Ph.D Katherine Tori


ACHIGEO Vice-President

Sebastian Moya

Msc. Sebastián Moya


ACHIGEO Director

Alejandra Serey

Ph.D Alejandra Serey


ACHIGEO President. Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Science and Engineering of Universidad de O'Higgins

Challenges in Space Geotechnical Engineering

We invite you to this PANAMGEO Congress conference on Thursday, November 14th from 16:00 to 17:30 hrs. Join us and participate in a learning experience with experts in the field, we are waiting for you!

The following is a list of the speakers who will present this activity

Pooneh Maghoul

Pooneh Maghoul


Associate Professor, Polytechnique Montréal

Pierre Delage

Pierre Delage


Professeur, École des Ponts ParisTech

Douglas Cortes

Douglas Cortes


Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Roberto Moraes

Roberto Moraes


AECOM California

Helen Robinson

Helen D. Robinson


Vice-President/Branch Manager/Senior Project Manager GEI

Improving Diversity in Geotechnical Engineering

We invite you to this PANAMGEO Congress conference on Friday, November 15th from 12:30 to 14:00 hrs. Join this talk with the professionals invited, we are waiting for you!

The following is a list of the speakers who will present this activity

Ellen Rathje

Ph.D Ellen Rathje


Janet S. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering - Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering - University of Texas

Oscar Pilloni

Ph.D Oscar Pilloni


Investigador, Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM

Helen Robinson

Ph.D Helen D. Robinson


Vice-president/Branch Manager/Senior Project Manager GEI

Mayu Tincopa

Ph.D Mayu Tincopa


Gerente General ConeTec Perú

Cristina Tsuha

Ph.D Cristina Tsuha


Associate Professor Universidad de Sao Paulo

Norma Lopez

Ph.D Norma Patricia López Acosta


Secretaria Académica e Investigadora, Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM

Congress meetings

Within the framework of the congress, we will hold the following meetings for our attendees:
• ISSMGE Board Meeting 
• 1er Encuentro Latam/Panam Profesores/as Ingeniería Geotécnica
• ISSMGE Southamerica & Caribe Member Societies
• IAEG Southamerica Member Societies
• ISSMGE TC221: Tailings and Mine Waste
• ISSMGE TC308: Energy Geotechnics

Workshop Special Issues on Tailings Dams

We invite all of our attendees to participate in the TC221 – ICOLD Tailings Technical Sessions
scheduled for Saturday, November 16th, 2024, in the Cordillera Room, from 08:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Don’t miss it, there are only 70 places available!

*Important: Remember that you must be previously registered for the Panamgeo 2024 Congress to participate in this activity.

TC221, panamgeo, dams

TC221 – ICOLD Tailings Technical Sessions

Andy Small (M.Sc., P.Eng. FEIC) - David Williams (P. of Geotech. Engin.) - Moderator: Mr. Luis Valenzuela (MSc) - Andy Small (M.Sc., P.Eng. FEIC) - Dr. Jorge H. Troncoso (Emeritus P. U. Católica, Chile) - Dr. Edgar Bard (Civil Engin.) - Moderator: Mrs. Christina Winckler - David Williams (P. of Geotech. Engin.) - Roberto Cudmani (P. Technische U. München) - Fernando Mantaras (Civil Engin.) - Moderator: Dr. Ramón Verdugo - Mr. Rodrigo Recabal

technical visits

Soil mechanics – Santiago subway [Halfday]

Monday November 11th

  • Minimum number of participants: 10
  • Maximum number of participants: 20
  • Technical guide: Juan Carlos Pozo, Senior Consultant Arcadis Chile SpA.

Note: Safety shoes must be worn
Registration form closed
Price: US$0 (CLP$0)


We will meet at 9:00 a.m. and then visit the construction site of Line 7 of the Santiago Metro. We will delve into the different methodologies used, such as the tunnel boring machine, a construction method used for the first time in the construction of tunnels for the capital's train, in the process of excavation, support and completion of the tunnel of a part of the route of Line 7.

Geological hazards – Agua Negra [Fullday]

Saturday, november 16th

  • Minimum number of participants: 10
  • Maximum number of participants: 40
  • Technical guidelines: Natalia Garrido, Cristina Brantt and Alejandro Alfaro. Geologists from the Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería dedicated to the evaluation of geological hazards and risks.

Important: Registrations closed

Note: Safety shoes must be worn
Meeting point: Hotel Enjoy Coquimbo
Price: US$53 (CLP$50.000)


We will leave at 7 a.m. from La Serena towards the Elqui Valley, a site of multiple mass removals and large-scale engineering projects. Our first stop will be the Agua Negra Border Complex, where we will discuss the particularities of the valley and begin to understand its complex morphology. The second stop will be the La Laguna reservoir, a dam with an impermeable core and a central reinforced concrete screen whose construction began in 1927 for irrigation purposes for agriculture. Then, we will advance to the Llano de Las Liebres sector (3,650 m above sea level), where the Agua Negra Tunnel project will be located, allowing us to view it from the perspective of geological engineering. We will begin our descent back to the town of Vicuña, and from the Cerro La Virgen viewpoint, we will observe a town immersed in the valley; we will appreciate the characteristic morphology of the mountain range and the transversal ranges of the Coquimbo region, and we will review the history of geological risk assessment. Finally, we will celebrate our technical field with a well-deserved pisco tasting in Diaguitas.


We are pleased to announce that the certificates of the pre-congress courses are now available for download.

Enter our platform with the button below and get your certificate to accredit your participation.

Thank you for being part of this event!

• Innovación en la ejecución, control y diseño de pilotes

Course lenght: full day  | Speakers: Mario Terceros, Raffaele Di Laora, Kyle Rollins, Walter Paniagua, Oscar Taiba, Sebastián Lobo-Guerrero, Carlos Medeiros, Franz-Werner Gerressen, Paulo Oróstegui, Lynda Angarita | Language: ENG & ESP

Place and time

  • Salón Arenas, Hotel Enjoy Coquimbo, La Serena.
  • 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 150 | CLP 165.000
  • Student registration: USD 60 | CLP 55.000

• Introducción a la caracterización dinámica de sitios mediante técnicas de Ondas de Superficie

Course lenght: full day | Speakers: Esteban Sáez, César Pastén | Language: ESP

Place and time

  • Campus Ignacio Domeyko, Edificio CETECFI, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 17:30 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 150 | CLP 165.000
  • Student registration: USD 60 | CLP 55.000

• Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring as a tool for decision making

Course lenght: full day | Speakers: Roberto Gesche, Summer Sun | Idioma: ENG

Place and time

  • Campus Ignacio Domeyko, Edificio CETECFI, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 17:30 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 150 | CLP 165.000
  • Student registration: USD 60 | CLP 55.000

• Investigation and analysis of the seismic stability of mine waste and tailings

Course lenght: half day | Speakers: Rob Moss, Ricardo Moffat | language: ENG

Place and time

  • Ignacio Domeyko Campus, Obras Civiles building, 3rd floor, room OO.CC. -1, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 13:00 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 80 | CLP 90.000
  • Student registration: USD 40 | CLP 45.000

• Physical and Numerical Modeling of Geotechnical Problems

Course lenght: full day | Speakers: Fernando Saboya, Márcio Almeida, Maria Cascão | Language: ENG

Place and time

  • Campus Ignacio Domeyko, Edificio CETECFI, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 18:00 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 150 | CLP 165.000
  • Student registration: USD 60 | CLP 55.000

• Cimentaciones para infraestructura de parques solares y eólicos

Course lenght: half day | Speaker: Hugo Acosta-Martínez | language: ESP

Place and time

  • Campus Ignacio Domeyko, Edificio Obras Civiles, 3er piso, sala OO.CC. -2, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 13:00 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 80 | CLP 90.000
  • Student registration: USD 40 | CLP 45.000

• Partial saturation influences on the strength, critical state and CPT interpretations in silty tailings

Course lenght: half day | Speaker: Adrian Russell | Language: ENG

Place and time

  • Ignacio Domeyko Campus, Obras Civiles building, 3rd floor, room OO.CC. -1, Universidad de la Serena.
  • 08:30 – 13:00 hrs.

Registration fee:

  • Normal registration: USD 80 | CLP 90.000
  • Student registration: USD 40 | CLP 45.000

Organizing Committee

Daniela Pollak

Daniela Pollak

Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
Gonzalo Montalva

Gonzalo Montalva

Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
Luis Valenzuela

Luis Valenzuela

Chair of the Scientific Committee
Sergio Sepúlveda

Sergio Sepúlveda

Chair of the 2nd Latin-American Regional IAEG Conference
Jaime Rodriguez

Jaime Rodríguez

Academic Director Universidad La Serena
Carolina Jadue

Carolina Jadue

Omar Núñez

Omar NÚñez



Claudio Román

Claudio Román

Scientific Committee Coordinator
Juan Pablo Mira

Juan Pablo Mira

Administrative Coordinator
Alejandra Serey

Alejandra Serey

co-chair of the 2nd Latin-American Regional IAEG Conference


Marc Ballouz

President of the ISSMGE

Walter Paniagua


André Assis


Timothy Newson

alejo sfriso, panamgeo

Alejo Sfriso


Juan Paulin

Secretary of the XVI Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering



Papers presented in Congress

All papers presented at the XVII Pan-American Conference are temporarily available for download in the button below meanwhile the Proceedings are being prepared.
Also, soon you will be able to find them at the ISSMGE website as all other contributions from ISSMGE conferences.
When the edition of the proceedings is finished, and DOI assigned, they will be announced through all communication channels available to the organization.

Papers certificate for autors 

Technical Sponsors Exhibition

The Conference Venue will provide a functional and pleasant setting for the Technical Sponsors Exhibition. Refreshments will be served close to the exhibition site to ensure that attendees have plenty of time to visit the exhibit booths.

Should you be interested in booking a space at the conference, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Sponsors Panamgeo






Share your Geopostales with us

Send your photographs of geological or geotechnical projects or events to the society/association of your country with the information requested in the rules and participate by sharing your experience.

Find the rules and instructions to participate here.

For more information, write to [email protected]

Panamgeo Chile 2024 Geopostales 2024 ENG
Enjoy Coquimbo


Peñuelas Norte 56, Coquimbo, Región de Coquimbo, Chile

No vacancy



Hotel Diego de Almagro

Francisco de Aguirre Avenue 0665, La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:

Hotel Club La Serena

Av. del Mar 1000 Coquimbo. La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:


Campanario del Mar

Av. del Mar 4600, La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.

Distance to the EVENT CENTER:

Terra Diaguita

Eduardo de La Barra 440. La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:


Hotel Serena Suite

Parcela 2 Lote 3C, Ruta 5 Norte - Kilometro 470, La Serena

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:


Hotel Costa Real

Francisco de Aguirre 170, La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:

Hotel Francisco Aguirre

Gregorio Cordovez 210, La Serena, Coquimbo

*Prices do not include tax.


Distance to the EVENT CENTER:

Nearby Restaurants

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Discover the incredible experiences that Viajes Mirador has to offer. Make the most of your visit to La Serena and create unforgettable memories.


Discover the incredible experiences that Viajes Mirador has to offer. Make the most of your visit to La Serena and create unforgettable memories.


Playa La Serena

Images and videos from Sernatur Chile (www.sernatur.cl)

Discover the virtues and surprises that the so-called “Small North” of Chile hides. Located less than 500 kilometers (310 miles) from the capital, Santiago (there are daily flights between the two cities), this destination offers its visitors nice weather throughout the year, extensive plantations of vineyards and fruits, and one of the clearest skies in the world for gazing at the stars. One of the favorite touristic places for Chileans – and we’re sure soon yours too – is the city of La Serena and its surrounding areas. Its beaches, coastline and outdoors, where many sports and leisure activities can be enjoyed, as well as its wide gastronomic offer, its beautiful night skies, and many more appeals, make this city a notable destination for those who would like to know the Small North of Chile.

Take advantage of the beaches of La Serena during the spring and summer, walk along the long Avenida del Mar or go shopping at Recova, the area’s most famous market and arts & crafts fair. In Coquimbo, 9 km from La Serena. you can’t miss La Herradura beach and Barrio Inglés’ nightlife. You can also try your luck at the casino. If you have a sports soul, come and enjoy the many adrenaline sports of La Serena and Coquimbo: trekking, sport fishing, surfing and paragliding are some of the activities waiting for you.

The Elqui valley is a spectacle in itself.  The Valley, deeply carved by the Elqui River (formerly called the Coquimbo River), begins only 15 km from La Serena, from where the road makes its way into the Andes Mountains. The sun shines more than 360 days a year in the Elqui Valley, a privileged climate that makes the perfect ripening of the grapes possible in order to produce the best pisco and some of the best wines of Chile. With one of the clearest skies in the southern hemisphere, several international astronomical organizations have installed their observatories here on the summits of the Pachón and the Tololo hills. But for those who love to gaze at the night sky, the spectacle of stars is visible to the naked eye or also with smaller telescopes. The Elqui Valley’s special climatic conditions, with sunny days and cold nights, as well as its fertile land and protected hillsides, make this the most exceptional wine region of northern Chile. In addition to the cultivation of grapes for the production of pisco, Syrah is the leading variety planted for the production of red wine, and Sauvignon Blanc for white wine.  Many wineries are open to the public and have wine tastings, tours of their vineyards and facilities, which can be visited entirely in a few hours. The small and sunny traditional town of Vicuña is the main city of the Elqui Valley. This is where Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet, Nobel Prize winner in 1945, was born. In addition to all these enjoyable scenarios, the Elqui Valley is known for its mystical energy. The locals say it is caused by the clarity of the skies and the direct light that comes from the stars, which translates into healing energies, giving its visitors a moment of total relaxation and disconnection, which can be further enhanced with the wide range of alternative therapies, meditation and spa centers that exist in the place.

You can find more information about Chile and La Serena in these videos:


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